BLP 20

What have you learned?

This course has taught me a lot on how to improve my writing. Professor Tharp provided very helpful techniques and examples in order to demonstrate a type of writing that was necessary to succeed in this class. I learned a lot about how important audience when you write blogs or formal papers. I never knew that writing can still sound good without trying to hard to sound formal.

What will you take from this class?

I am going to be more aware of current events, blog posts and digital communication. While doing research and reading different articles for this class, I learned a lot about things that I would have never read if I didn’t do it for this class. From now on, I will be more willing to see what is happening in the world, even if it is checking my  twitter feed!

Where can you still improve?

I can still improve by structuring my sentences and paragraphs in a way that makes more sense. That will come in time as I get more used to writing college papers. Also, if I read more, it will advance my writing skills.

BLP 19


-Talk about the class as a whole

-Talk about specific lessons and Prof. Tharp’s teaching strategies

-Incorporate some analogy or comparison of this english class

– I have the ability to read texts critically, attempting to understand purpose, audience, argumentative and 
rhetorical techniques, and tone.
-Reference Moosa article and  how the paper addresses rhetorical techniques
-Make claims and support them with appropriate evidence.
-incorporating quotes from popular and scholarly sources
-“quote sandwich” introducing quote but then explaining it
-Understand the needs of various audiences and adapt your writing for those audiences.
-writing this letter and the various blog posts influences the way I write so that it appeals to the different audiences
-Learn proper citation format.
-using MLA format
-citing scholarly sources
-embedding popular sources

BLP 18

One thing I have learned during this course is how to analyze sources better. Now I know that it is just as important to introduce a quote as it is to explain the quote thoroughly. Before this course, I never was good at incorporating quotes or evidence into my papers, but now I am better at that.

Another thing I am good at now is writing to an audience. This blog post helped me because it made me realize that other people will be viewing my writing and not just my professor. In some ways it is easier to write with a specific audience because then I know how i should structure my writing.

In terms of my sentence structure, I have definitely advanced and improved. Professor Tharp’s examples that she showed to the class influenced my writing and how to make it seem more advanced. My thoughts are more clear and organized, as well, when I write long papers.

Effect of Video Games


Ever since I started college at the University of Delaware this fall I have noticed some surprising things while living in a co-ed dormitory. In particular, in many of the rooms on my floor I would witness guys playing video games. I never realized how prominent this was in the lives of teens until I got to college. If they weren’t watching television or doing homework, they were playing video games. Even though the majority of games that they played were sports related, it still made me think and worry about their social skills and mental abilities. Does this constant urge to play video games impact them and their school work? Many may claim it does and many may claim it doesn’t. However, I propose that social development in youth and adolescents is negatively impacted by the use of video games. The duration of usage and the types of games being played will affect someone’s communication skills and behavior. This may result in violence, short temper or overall irritability. Thus, teens and children should be more responsible in how they play video games because of the potential impacts video games can have on them.


Specifically, video games that consist of violent and aggressive behaviors, such as shooting and killing, result in similar behaviors to those who play these types of games. Nowadays, some children and especially some teens are drawn to games such as Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto and Fallout. These video games contain special effects and animations that make it seem like the gamer is doing these violent acts in real life. Psychologist Craig A. Anderson stated, “An updated meta-analysis reveals that

Video games have advanced graphics and mechanics which make it seem more realistic for the gamer.

Video games have advanced graphics and mechanics which make it seem more realistic for the gamer.

exposure to violent video games is significantly linked to increases in aggressive behaviour, aggressive cognition, aggressive affect, and cardiovascular arousal, and to decreases in helping behaviour” (n. pag.). Based on Dr. Anderson’s analysis, it is evident to say that some people who are exposed to these video games tend to act in a way that is not true to their original character. Furthermore, “. . . those who watch a lot of simulated violence, such as those in video games, can become immune to it, more inclined to act violently themselves, and are less likely to behave emphatically.”  Even though this isn’t the case for all people that play violent video games, it is important to point out the fact that there is evidence that there is a relationship. These articles show that video games shift the behaviors of players toward others in a more aggressive and violent way.

Additionally, there have been many cases of school shootings, such as Columbine and Sandy Hook, that links to the shooter being involved with video games. As a Newtown, Connecticut resident, I witnessed first-hand all the sorrow and devastation that came from the shooting that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary. There were also many reports that were brought to attention about the shooter, Adam Lanza. Lanza was reported to be stuck in his basement playing violent video games for hours on end. In fact, according to Daily Mail, “Adam Lanza had notched up more than 83,000 ‘kills’ on his beloved video games including 22,000 ‘head shots’ as he trained himself for the horrific Sandy Hook massacre.” It is hard to believe that a gamer has the ability to do that amount of shots and aim directly at a specific target , specifically the head. Although, obviously, not all video game players act in the same way as Lanza did, it is important to realize how certain people with the same mindset as him can end up doing dangerous acts.



A video game that is rated “mature” is recommended for players that are 17 years or older.

People should be more aware of the potential effects it can have on others. Gamers that play violent video games should be mature enough to play these types of games because then there will be less of a chance that a gamers will act in a way that is similar to what they are witnessing on the screen. Gamers are mature enough if they know the difference between the digital world and real world. If they know how to behave appropriately in a real world environment, they should be able to separate the fictional video game with reality. In my opinion, it would be ideal if parents monitored their children and were aware of the type of video games they play. It is possible that parents will buy their children a game, because it’s so popular, and end up realizing it is too older for them. The Entertainment Software Rating Board came up with system that rates video games in order from Early Childhood, Everyone, Teen, Mature, Adults Only and Rating Pending. This is a good way to determine if their teen or child is mature and responsible enough to play it. However, sometimes it is just video games in general that will affect the behavior of some individuals.


Considering the fact that most video games involve you to be in an environment where you are comfortable and focused, more often than not, gamers tend to be isolated from others. Even though it seems to them like it is a nice time to relax and unwind, sometimes it gets to the point where they only enjoy being alone. Other times, they “spend lesser time with their friends and others because they want to get back home/gaming place as fast as possible and continue playing.” Gamers may tend to start to not enjoy being with others as much because they prefer being with their video game. Although some video games allow people to simultaneously interact with others while playing, it is important to recognize the fact that people will go out of their way to hide from their responsibilities by involving themselves with a virtual world. Jordan Shapiro shares a different side of the

Video games can result in gamers losing the desire to interact with others.

Video games can result in gamers losing the desire to interact with others.

argument by stating, “70 percent of gamers play their games with other people. Contrary to the popular image of the gamer as an awkward, socially inept loner, players are actually engaged with one another,” (n.pag). Shapiro is right in the fact that gamers do have the ability to interact with others, overall, however, they may not be able to be as capable to have meaningful and intelligent conversations with others in real life. Gamers may have conversations only about what is on the screen instead of what is happening in reality. It is not the best decision to play video games alone in place of socializing with others. This could cause gamers to develop a habit in only wanting to play video games.


Gamers will potentially become addicted to playing video games, and addiction is something that is not healthy for the brain or body. Video games are an easy activity for people to distract themselves with and sometimes it gets to the point where they want to do nothing else. Sometimes a game will encourage the gamer to keep playing in order to receive a certain amount of points or gain an extra level. This obsession that some people have with video games will carry on with them in the real world. Scholar Sue Fisher stated, “There is a current trend of thought among some scholars of gambling that arcade video game playing in some adolescents may develop into a behavior which resembles a gambling addiction” (n.pag). Gambling and video game usage is a comparison that is brought upon by behaviors from many addicts that enjoy the feeling of accomplishing something. Just like gambling and the reward of earning money, video games give you rewards such as coins, medals or badges. Since video games are becoming “increasingly complex, detailed, and compelling to a growing international audience of players,” gamers are more likely to develop an addiction because of how mesmerized with the thought of playing a game that portrays such advanced media and imaging. This addiction can prevent gamers from doing more productive and important tasks; it also plays a big role on a gamer’s cognitive development.

Brain development

The human brain develops and changes based on video game usage. This is not to say that there are some educational video games. However, it is better for someone to gain intelligence by participating in other stimulating activities. Especially for children, their developing brain should not be exposed to this at such a young age. In terms of the future, there are drawbacks to playing video games. Psychologist Gregory West did a study with people who played video games and people who do not. The volunteers were asked to go18ix6k60f89ihjpg through a maze and try to remember how to get through based off of certain landmarks. Ben Thomas, a reporter for Discover Magazine, wrote about the results of the study. The overall conclusion was that people who played video games used more of a response strategy and the others were using more of a memorization technique. West asserts that “playing video games could be building up players’ striatum at the expense of their hippocampus.” The function of the striatum is used for facilitating voluntary movement and the hippocampus is associated with the ability to form memories. This is important because it “has implications for overall brain health, since a shrunken hippocampus is associated with risk of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s and schizophrenia.” Alzheimer’s and schizophrenia are disorders that disrupt the ability to think clearly, which is a huge impact on someone’s daily life. Although some may argue that video games encourage gamers to think critically and logically, gamers will end up only wanting to think in a way as if they are in a virtual world. The brain may respond to different video games in different ways, but in general, video games are not ideal for a strong and functional brain.


In summation, video games can cause youth and adolescents to lose a sense of reality and act out in a way that is not typical to their normal behavior. Video games can result in violent actions, such as mass shootings in schools. It can also lead to impaired brain development or later complications in life such as schizophrenia or alzheimer’s. Granted, there are plenty of gamers that utilize their time wisely, but that is not to say that there are also plenty that will separate themselves from the world around them. It will sometimes get to a point when gamers will love nothing more than simply sitting in their room with their controller playing their favorite game. As technology advances and games get more intricate, society should take a step back and realize what effect video games can really have on them.

Works Cited

Anderson, Craig. “An Update on the Effects of Playing Violent Video Games.” An Update on the Effects of Playing Violent Video Games., Feb. 2004, Accessed 3 Nov. 2016.

Fisher, Sue. “Identifying Video Game Addiction in Children and Adolescents.” Identifying Video Game Addiction in Children and Adolescents. Elsevier B.V, n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2016.



BLP 17

Social development, in youth and adolescents, is impacted by the use of video games. Depending on the duration of usage and the types of games being played will affect someone’s behavior that may include violence, short temper or overall irritability. Thus, teens and children should be more responsible in how they play video games because of the potential impacts video games can have on them.

BP 1:
Topic sentence- playing violent video games will result in aggressive or violent behavior.
Evidence- facts and statistics from articles regarding violent video games
Analysis- parents should be more cautious of what their child is playing. Violent video games are entertaining, but not in the right way.

BP 2:
Topic sentence- communication skills with others is negatively/positively impacted by the use of video games
Evidence- explain both sides of the argument and the different effects people have with socializing with others.
Analysis- Being isolated from others discourages relationships from being formed, however, people use video games as a way to bond and share interests.

BP 3:
Topic Sentence- the human brain develops and changes based on video game usage.
Evidence- explain the different structures of the brain and include case study that shows how people use different strategies in completing the maze.
Analysis- For educational purposes, video games are definitely not something that should be encouraged. It is better for someone to gain intelligence by something more beneficial than playing video games.

BLP 16

Primary, Scholarly

Anderson, Craig. “An Update on the Effects of Playing Violent Video Games.” An Update on the Effects of Playing Violent Video Games., Feb. 2004, Accessed 3 Nov. 2016.

The article shows an analysis of different studies that includes data testing. There are also graphs and statistical evidence to prove the overall thesis of the effects video games has on communication and social abilities. It discusses the potential methodological problems that were examined for each sample during the studies. The studies were heavily analyzed and ended up with the conclusion to the studies suggested that there is a direct relationship between violence and exposure to violent video games. Craig A. Anderson is a psychology professor at Iowa State University. He received his B.A in Psychology from Butler University and then his M.A and Ph.d in psychology from Stanford University as well in 1978-1980. Dr. Anderson has a website that consists of all of his research he has done on the correlation between videogames and violence. He posted interviews, YouTube videos and various articles made by himself as he is very involved with doing research between the relationship between violence and video games.
His article is a primary, scholarly article because he states the facts that he gained from the case studies but also provides a sophisticated analysis to the research. This source is credible because it presents statistical information that is not bias. This is a good source for me to use in my paper because the article shows graphs and statistical evidence to prove the overall thesis of the effects video games has on communication and social abilities. I plan on using the potential methodological problems that were examined for each sample during the studies and analyze it in the portion of the paper where I talk about violent video games.

Secondary, Popular

Diplomats, Montclair. “VIDEO GAMES and THEIR EFFECT on MODERN DAY SOCIETY.” The Huffington Post., n.d, Accessed 29 Oct. 2016.

This article shows the benefits of video games while mentioning how video games have positively impacted society. Ever since 30 years ago when everyone was raving about certain video games such as Pong and Space Invaders. As time went on, people got more interested in Pokemon and Grand Theft Auto. Grand Theft Auto even incorporated historical elements from the 1979 Iranian War into their video game which makes people more interested in learning about aspects about the war. This article argues the fact that video games improve educational abilities because it encourages the players to work towards achieving goal and keep trying to get to certain levels. The Montclair Diplomats published this blog, which are Montclair State University students who post blogs that relate to the era of new media. They have a twitter that has around 20,000 tweets and around 3,000 followers. The credibility is not as strong as other sources, but considering it is a popular source, it is strong enough to use some ideas and thoughts that were said in this article. This is a secondary, popular source because it is on and it presents mostly opinions about video games. This source is credible because it posts blogs that are very recent (2016) and it is a very well-known “online newspaper.”This source will be useful to me because it explains the background information of video games and the history of it, but also goes into detail about how video games, in general, impacts the society as a whole. This article recognizes the arguments and controversial topics regarding video games. This article is also very easy to understand which helps me learn more about my topic.

Secondary, Popular

“How Does Online Gaming Affect Social Interactions?.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 20 September 2007, . Accessed 6 Nov. 2016.

This article explains how many people are part of computer or video games that involve multiple people playing. Most of the time, the people share an interest in what they are playing which makes them interact and form relationships that way. The way relationships are formed in the 21st century is emphasized in this article and it is viewed as something negative. This article was written by University of Jyvaeskylae which is a university in Finland. Considering it is an article on, I believe that the author of this article is credible. It is a secondary, popular source because it is posted on a popular website and it contains information that is providing an argument or critique. This source,, is current (2016) and it presents information that is true and accurate. This will be a useful source to use in my paper because it presents a side of the argument that has to do with relationships with other people. It shows a different perspective of the effects video games has on everyday life. For example, playing with other people via computer or video games is something that is not necessarily the right thing to do.

Secondary, Popular

“The Positive and Negative Effects of Video Games.” Raise Smart Kid. N.p., 16 Oct. 2016, Accessed 29 Oct. 2016.

This article gives a list of all the negatives and positives about video games. Also, it gives examples of the benefits of video games and discusses several ways of how to pick the right video game. In regards to the negative effects of video games, many of the effects included violence and how it contributes to violent acts. The positive effects of video games are related to increased mental ability in doing certain tasks. The article talks about the different strategies to figure out which video game to play to make sure you have these positive effects. The author of this site is ChaCha Tumbokon and she studied Psychology and Early Childhood Development. She is in charge of the website and has a Facebook and Twitter page related to raising kids. Due to the author’s experience with education and raising kids herself, Tumbokon would be considered credible. This is a secondary, popular source because it gives an opinion and makes an argument regarding the positives and negatives of video games. The source itself is popular because it doesn’t use any sophisticated language or analysis. This source is credible because it is recent (2015), and the author is willing to provide new and helpful information for parents regarding any child development issues. This source is useful to me as i discuss both sides of the argument regarding the positives and negatives of playing video games. The specific recommendations on what video games to play and not play is also important in my discussion of the effect of video games.

Secondary, Popular

Thomas, Ben. “Video Games May Have Negative Effects on the Brain.” Dbrief. Kalmbach Publishing, 20 May 2015, Accessed 1 Nov. 2016.

This article mainly talks about a study done with people who played video games and people who do not. The volunteers were asked to go through a maze and try to remember how to get through based off of certain landmarks. The overall conclusion was that people who played video games used more of a response strategy and the others were using more of a memorization technique. Links to brain development and the cerebellum were brought up to prove the overall thesis of playing video games and the effect it has on social development. The author of this article is Ben Thomas. He has written other articles on which makes me think that he is a credible source to use. However, there is no background information on the author and his previous studies or experiences. This is a secondary, popular source because it presents an opinion while presenting information. It is popular because this website contains other blogs and articles that are presented to the general public. The source is credible because Kalmbach Publishing enjoys presenting articles and other blog posts that reflect author’s passionate opinions on certain topics. This source will be useful for me to use in my paper when I discuss the scientific effects video games has on the brain. I will definitely mention the specific facts and statistics about the functions of the brain and how it can be both negatively and positively affected.

Secondary, Popular

Shapiro, Jordan. “Social And Emotional Benefits Of Video Games: Metacognition and Relationships.” MindShift. KQED, 16 May 2014, Accessed 3 Nov. 2016.

This article starts off with an anecdote about how the author, Jordan Shapiro, used to always play video games with his little brother. As the article continues, Shapiro recognized how the 21st century is developing and advancing with the use of video games. In fact, in his opinion, there are benefits from playing video games in regards to metacognition. He claims that video games develop critical thinking skills and improve study skills as well. Jordan Shapiro’s writing are found on about education, parenting and game-based learning. He works at Temple University in the Intellectual Heritage Department and is the Digital Learning Coordinator. He also wrote a book, FREEPLAY: A Video Game Guide To Maximum Euphoric Bliss, that talks about how the games we play in our youth shape our adult lives. Because of his accomplishment and work history, I believe he is credible. This is a secondary, popular source because a lot of the article focuses on Shapiro’s opinion and critique on video games. It also provides an entertaining and easy to understand analysis of his critique, which makes it a popular source. This source is credible because its copyright is 2016, which means it has been updated recently. It is directed towards an audience of educators and other passionate learners. This source is useful for me to use because although it doesn’t support my thesis, it provides an alternate analysis of playing video games. This will be used in my paper when I address the counter argument about the benefits of playing video games.

Secondary, Scholarly

Sherry, John L. “The Effect of Violent Video Games on Aggression.” N.p., n.d, Accessed 6 Nov. 2016.

This article discusses the relationship between violent actions and video games. The overall background information on this controversy is that it is very prevalent in society today, but it has gotten to a point where people are taking advantage of it due to certain events, such as shootings. The article mentions several theoretical concerns and methodologic issues in regards to violence, which was shown through a few experiments and meta-analysis. John L. Sherry studied at Purdue University and is past Associate Editor of Communication Theory and is co-founder and past Chair of the Video Game Special Interest Group of the International Communication Association. Considering his occupation is related to the topic of my research paper, video games, I find him very credible and knowledgeable about the topic. This is a secondary, scholarly source because he is trying to prove a point that playing video games leads to aggressive behavior and/or violence. He uses sophisticated word choice and includes advanced analysis of the research. The source itself is credible and something I can definitely use in my paper because it is in the library, which means it is only accessible to people trying to obtain legitimate facts and information. This source is useful to me because it provides specific analytical research that I could use to back up my argument about violence and aggressive behavior from the result of playing video games. Also, I plan to use the theories and hypotheses that were mentioned before the experiments were performed.

BLP 15

My working thesis:

Social development, in youth and adolescents, is impacted by the use of video games. Depending on the duration of usage and the types of games being played will affect one’s behavior that may include violence, short temper or overall irritability.

BLP 14

Introduction: I will begin my paper with an interesting hook that will grab the readers attention. There will be background information about video games and how it has affected society throughout the years. I will then state my thesis

Multimodal Aspect: A video of all the types of video games that are available.

Body Paragraph 1: I will incorporate an article called “An Update on the Effects of Playing Video Games” by Craig A Anderson. The article shows an analysis of different studies that includes data testing. There are also graphs and statistical evidence to prove the overall thesis of the effects video games has on communication and social abilities. I will elaborate on the potential methodological problems that were examined for each sample during the studies.

Multimodal Aspect: Interview with Craig A Anderson

Body Paragraph 2: I will use the article “Video Games and Their Effect on Modern Day Society.” on This is where i will address both sides of the argument on whether or not playing video games

Multimodal Aspect: facts/ statistics on video games and the affects on youth/adolescents.

Body Paragraph 3: I will use the article “The Motivational Pull of Video Games: A Self-Determination Theory Approach” by Richard M. Ryan. This is where i will analyze a theory through different case studies on why certain people play certain types of video games.

BLP 13

After searching on Google Scholar, I came across an article on called “An Update on the Effects of Playing Video Games” by Craig A Anderson. This a useful source for me to use because it is focusing on a specific subtopic, violent video games, that I am going to talk about in my research paper. The article shows an analysis of different studies that includes data testing. There are also graphs and statistical evidence to prove the overall thesis of the effects video games has on communication and social abilities. I plan on using the potential methodological problems that were examined for each sample during the studies and analyze it in the portion of the paper where I talk about violent video games.

BLP 12

An example of a popular source that I will use for my research paper is an article from called “Video Games and Their Effect on Modern Day Society.” The article explains the background information of video games and the history of it, but also goes into detail about how video games, in general, impacts the society as a whole. This article recognizes the arguments and controversial topics regarding video games. I believe this is a good source to use because it is easy to understand which helps me learn more about my topic.

Lindsay Hoyt

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