Blog Post 20

What have I learned? What will you take with you from this class? where can you still improve?

  1. What Ive Learned….. I have learned a lot in this class. I have learned how to Argue my point in an augmentative paper while still conceding and fairly stating the opposing sides argument. I also learned how to properly organize my paper so it is more presentable. Most importantly I have learned how to be more Open-minded and have an unbiased view while I am listening to an opposing argument.
  2. What will I take away from this class is….. I don’t think writing is that bad anymore and I think after this class it is a lot more enjoyable. I am also a better writer in general because of this class.
  3. While I have improved tremendously at many writing skills throughout this semester, I am by no means done learning. I feel like I can definitely improve on my transitions between paragraphs. I also believe I can still get better at restating my thesis in my conclusion.


What have I learned this year? What will you take with you? Where can you still improve?

I have learned to critically read, write and analyze better and more efficiently. I will take from this class that it is important to recognize your audience when you are writing. I also will take from this class that many revisions are necessary whether through a peer or self-revision. I can still improve when analyzing my sources and providing more specific evidence to my argument.


What have you learned?

Out of everything taught in this course the greatest skill that I have learned is how to organize my papers, write more fluently, and how to properly edit my peers and my own papers.

what will you take with you from this class?

I will take from this class how much I enjoy to write, and how to analyze  sources and form an option.

where can you still improve?

I can still improve on supporting my claims and properly explaining my evidence as well as general punctuation and grammar.

BLP 20

This course has truly brought a new meaning to being a writer, I learned all the different elements that go into writing a great piece. Annotating, finding sources, persuading an audience, how to write the perfect thesis, along with a whole list of more. I believe your teachings brought out the inner writer in everyone and exposed them to possibilities that they were never aware of.

From this course will come lots of knowledge and true appreciation. I will carry these characteristics to future English classes as well as any writing I do in the future. You were able to present a side of writing that I never knew was possible within me, and I will forever remember that feeling.

Coming into this course, I was very low on the writing spectrum. I improved greatly but there’s always room for improvement. I struggle with time management and priorities, these 2 have hindered my growth throughout the semester, but they haven’t stopped it because there’s always something to be learned.

BLP #20

What have I learned?

This semester I learned that a thesis can be more than just 1-2 sentences and that it can be whoever long is necessary to get the point across. I also learned that you can use n.pag. as a way to cite in your paper when you don’t know the page number of a source. I learned how to write towards a particular audience by using ethos, pathos and logos. I also need to take into account the audience in order to write with the correct tone/language in terms of how formal it is.

What will you take away from this course?

I never liked English and I think the main thing from this class that I will take away is that writing is not so bad. I used to think it was boring and tedious and time consuming. However, the writing assignments this year were enjoyable. I looked forward to English. Even though I will not be taking another English class again my perspective has drastically changed from high school.

Where can I still improve?

I need to improve on writing introductions and conclusions. My intros are broad and never really have very strong hooks. Then in the concluding paragraph, I’m not good at wrapping everything up and not repeating my entire paper. I need to expand on my “so what” and try to be more clear in my writing in this sense.

One thing I learned by taking this class is writing and reading with an understanding of the rhetorical situation.  For example, I learned understand purpose, the audience, writer, and context.

A thing I will take away from this class is understanding that writing is a social form of communication.  We would constantly share our work and peer review our classmates work. When we would collaborate with our peers, we were able to get insight from fellow students who may have ran into the same problems that we had and most of the time, a solution was offered.

One thing I can still improve on is grammar.  Using proper grammar is something that I have always struggled with.  I believe with some hard work, I can overcome this.

Last blog post- Christina Allen

Christina Allen


What have you learned?

Throughout this course, I have learned how to physically, mentally, and emotionally write a research paper. Mentally, I needed to work on having the patience on gathering the proper resources that will influence my paper. Emotionally, I have learned to relax, and have the mentality to persevere through challenges such as writing a 7-10 page paper. The source requirement for our research paper was to have two scholarly, and three popular resources. Although it was tough in understanding a scholarly article, I managed to take the time to reread each and every peer reviewed article with the help of my parents and take side notes along the the way.

What will you take with you from this class?

I will take this quotation with me, “in order for you to write a good paper, and to have fun at it, you will need evidence.” (Tharp) Evidence is key. If you do not have enough evidence in what you are persuading, your reader will be oblivious throughout your paper.

Where can you still improve?

I can still improve at gathering evidence, and to not go above the page requirement because it will seem as “diarrhea,” and that’s nasty. No one wants to read a paper that is scattered in thought. I will use the “Summary Pyramid,” for each research paper I write in college. It is very helpful to me, and made my life easier.

Blog post 20 Amna

I have learned how to make strong claim, supporting evidence, and good analyses. I never wrote a detailed paper before for my english class where i went to check the credible sources ir authors and make strong claims with deep analyses. Through this course i feel comfortable writing a claim finding credible evidences and making strong analyses.

I will take away the different writing, reading, and thinking skills. I will use the skills like asking questions, summarizing long articles, finding good sources using the CRAAP test and analyzing the evidences. I will start my paragraphs with good attention grabber and make a narrowing thesis towards my topic.

I still need to improve in making strong analyses because i try to write strong analyses but i should go more in detail to how my evidence supports my claim or why is it important. I got some points off on my assingment becuase i did not had enough analyses for my evidence. I will try to write better papers using all these skills from this course and different techniques.

blp 20

what have you learned? what will you take with you from this class? where can you still improve?


I learned how to create arguments and learned to back it up with information properly. I will take from this class that doing your work on time is very important and blog posts are actually very helpful and fun.  I need to improve my opening paragraphs and thesis statements.  they can always need improvement.


what have you learned?

In this class I have learned a lot over the last 4 months. most importantly I have learned how to convey ideas from multiple  sources and tie them in together to create one fluent  paper backed with your beliefs.

I will take from this class the ability to read and better understand text and look at them through the views of both sides of the argument.

I can still improve in writing the papers, I can utilize the witting sources that ud and deltech provide. I have to create stronger thesis and endings to my paper.


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